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How's it going?

I'm Max, Nice to Meet You.

picture of max hughes

Thanks for stopping by! I started my computer programming journey in 2019 and I’ve fallen in love! I’m a Structural Engineer by schooling but man if I could do it over again with the knowledge that I have now...who knows where I’d be! Not sure if you’ve felt that before but I sure do.

This journey has been amazing so far. I love taking a blank document and making something that exists for the whole world to use! I have a passion for making software tools and hopefully you’ll find some of what I’ve created useful!

I’d love to connect! Hit me up below and I look forward to meeting you!

Hit Me Up!

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Technical Skills

The major focus of my learning path is anything and everything JavaScript based. After trying for several years to teach myself how to become a programmer, I kept getting lost and confused in all of the different technologies that are out there. Because of that I decided to take a different approach.
Rather than blazing through HTML, CSS, and JS I decided to take a more focused approach to the internet from a basic building block perspective. What I learned is that everything....EVERYTHING boils down to the basic building blocks of the Original 3. After spending roughly 6 months on just the Original 3, things began to make total sense!

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Because everything needs structure, tags, sections, divs, asides, forms...

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I know enough to be dangerous, not the strongest aspect of my development skills if I'm being honest.

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So far the framework I enjoy working with the most! It's what styled this website (wink wink)

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The first framework I learned in my bootcamp! Still having trouble with flexbox though.

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As weird as this will sound, JavaScript is my favorite language so far. Especially with all of the frameworks!

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The fact that you don't need a browser to run JavaScript is awesome! Thank you unsung hero in the programming world!

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Now this...this is what makes me happy. For whatever reason Express just makes sense to me. Great platform to build a back end on.

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It's the most popular front-end framework...I'd be stupid not to learn it right?

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React Native

Facebook got it right with building this framework! I thought I was going to have to learn native coding for apps but then this beautiful tool comes along!

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I know it's the go to database for JavaScript based software but man do I love me some MongoDB! Best DB out there for beginners in my opinion!

Tools I Use

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VS Code

I know this a personal preference but having first learned on VS Code, it's amazing.

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God bless the person that invited Git version control. I'd be lost without it.

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Got to hand it to Microsoft, smart move buying Github. Do people host code anywhere else?

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While I am by NO means a designer, Figma definitely makes it easy. I can handle myself with help from Figma.

Projects I've Built

I'm still working on a lot of projects I hopefully turn into production at one point so I can't share too many details but below is some information of what I'm working on.

Budget Tool

Building a budget tool that looks at the personal finance world in a completely new light

Social Media Site

I don't use social media a ton because frankly I think it could be better. That's what I'm working on.

Medical Software

Putting the power of tracking our medical history back in the hands of ourselves!

Made with Love and a TON of Patience.

Copyright 2021

This freedom...